Monday, May 30, 2011

Mix Birth Control Pill With Your Shampoo? for healthy looking hair?

It is said by many beauticians, that if you mix birth control pill with your shampoo and use it regularly, you will get luscious thick hair!

I have never personally tried it, and I don't know if it actually works, but its worth a try.

Crush 10-15 birth control pills (in a plastic bag), then pour the pills in your shampoo, let it sit over-night, then use normally!

*NOTE: this may have some side-effects especially to pregnant women, please consult your Dr and the quantity of pills to be used


  1. What kind of side effects if I'm not pregnant?

  2. I have not personally tried it, but I know some people that did and its been a craze, but I can not give any recommendations or state side effects, its definately something you would consult a DR with, before attemting to try it.


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